Win/Lost Deal Analysis.

Discover Revenue Goldmines with

Ditch the dropdown. Bring clarity to why you lose deals and understand what you can do about it.
Eureka- gold nugget
Eureka- a woman conducting an interview

Buyer Interviews that Uncover Gold

83% of Salesforce deals are lost due to "price".  We interview your lost opportunities or churned customers.

We dig in deep to discover, identify, and understand the "why" behind your missed opportunities.

Action Items that Increase Conversions

After each interview we provide a comprehensive findings report. Capture feedback directly from your prospects to pinpoint gaps across Product, Marketing, and Sales.

Each gap includes an action item to prevent future funnel leakage and increase conversions. Quarterly reports discuss trends, market analysis, and an executive summary.

Eureka- action items
Eureka- team collaboration

Value for Sales, Product & Marketing

Sales- Thorough understanding of any gaps in your process. Is your team working deals that aren't Qualified? Are they understanding their prospect's challenges? Maybe your trial isn't conveying value.

Product- What features would unlock revenue? Was your UX/UI confusing? Does your solution really solve for that use case?

Marketing- How is your brand perceived? What messaging/positioning is working? What assets are moving the needle and what isn't?

Ready to find Gold in your Closed Lost Opportunities?

Get in touch to learn more.

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